Ethics Beauty

  • Product: Online Service Web application
  • Technologies: React Native
  • Platform: IOS, Android

An appointment management mobile application. The application solves operational and user experience problems such as scheduling appointments, updating data, optimizing service packages, managing experiences, looking up treatment history, and notifications promotions, etc.

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Ethics is a beauty salon with 8+ years of experience, serving more than 30,000 domestic and international customers, bringing together industry-leading experts with specialized service groups in eyes, nose, dermatology, etc..

Challenges - Solutions



Security of customers' personal information and access to treatment history.

Manage and schedule appointments for customers to utilize the service.

Enhance the Retention rate.

Develop basic features for users and administrators on the Ethics Beauty app.

Optimize UX UI to increase user experience on the app.



Main features


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1. Scheduling and Managing Appointments

Users can book appointments based on their preferences, including selecting specific services, preferred dates, and available time slots.

Admins can view, confirm, and manage appointment requests made by users.

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2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Users can create detailed profiles, schedule appointments, view their appointment history, receive personalized recommendations, provide feedback, participate in loyalty programs, and communicate with the spa for inquiries and support.

Admins can manage customer profiles, appointments, reminders, and booking history. It also offers personalized recommendations, feedback, loyalty programs, communication, and customer support.


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3. News & Promotions

News about ongoing or upcoming promotions, discounts, and special offers on spa services or products.


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4. Analytics Dashboard

Streamline appointment management, access therapist schedules, retrieve client data, and generate comprehensive reports on appointment trends, revenue, therapist performance, and more.


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5. Therapist & Service Management

Information about spa therapists, their expertise, certifications, and customer reviews. 

Detailed descriptions of each spa service, including treatment options, durations, pricing, and any special considerations.


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